Psoriasis Symptoms And The Various Treatments Available

By on February 20, 2013

There is a red patch on your elbow and it itches, suddenly you’re afraid that it is psoriasis. Predictably you want to know the psoriasis and fluster if there is a cure. Answer the questions below to see if you have this dreaded skin condition.

Is it chronic?

Psoriasis is a skin condition that is recurring. You most probably have this for quite some time and certain triggers have caused its breakouts ever since.

Do you have irritated patches of skin?

Patients suffering from psoriasis typically have thickened red flaky skin which is accompanied by scales or silvery-white patches. It is often found on elbows, knees, scalp, genitals, belly button, and buttocks area.

In generally wet region of the body like the armpits, under breasts and groin – it could manifest as moist and raw. On the other hand, it will look like scaly dandruff if it is located at the scalp.

Does your finger and toenail changes?

Our nails are basically made up with the same particles as our skin. Because of this psoriasis also affect these parts. Nails seemed thickened, lifted and pitted. You can also observe that nails seem to look translucent.

psoriasis symptoms

Do your joints ache?

Psoriasis can also affect your joints while visibly marking your skin with patches of red skin.

If you have answered yes to all of these then it’s most likely that you have psoriasis.

The best thing for you to do is to undergo physical examination or check it up with your family physician or dermatologist. Basically, diagnosis is done by simply looking at the manifestations but if you want to be sure skin biopsy is also available. X rays are also advisable if your joints are affected by swelling and soreness.

Finally it is now confirmed. You have psoriasis. Fortunately for you, there are treatments available for you to manage and ease your skin condition. The fundamental aim of these treatments is to control your symptoms and as much as possible to prevent infection.

These treatments may include topical medications which are products like moisturizers, lotions, and steroidal creams being applied to your skin. It can also be systemic medications which are tablets, pill or intravenous injections which are prescribed by your doctor, if infection will occur then antibiotics can also be prescribed

Thirdly, it can also be managed with phototherapy which is the use of ultra violet light to treat psoriasis symptoms.

Doctors also recommend non-medical techniques. These activities are non invasive but they can be of great help to give you comfort and relief from your psoriasis symptoms.

You can try oatmeal baths to slough off the dead skin cells that has accumulated in the skin. Basking in the early sun is also a proven way for the management of this skin condition, just be sure not to stay out too long to avoid sun burns.

Another non-invasive treatment is to make sure that you are relaxed. Avoid stressful activities that may trigger your disease. Have a routine that will calm you down. Chill up once in a while to unwind.

Last but not least, try an over-the-counter cream like Revitol Dermasis.

psoriasis free for life


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