Guttate Psoriasis: What Is It And How To Get Rid Of It?

By on February 19, 2013

You suspect that you have psoriasis but you’re unsure because the patches appeared like water drops, they are less flaky and thinner than what other psoriasis patients have. You probably have Guttate psoriasis.

Guttate psoriasis is one of the types of the condition that is rather uncommon. It got its weird name from a Latin word meaning “drop.” It was aptly labeled because of its appearance – reddish teardrop-shaped patches.

Like any type of psoriasis, it is itchy and it can be inherited from your parents. What makes it slightly different other than its shape is its likely occurrence after an infection, particularly a strep throat infection. It is also notable that it affects patients below their 30’s.

Like any psoriasis conditions, Guttate psoriasis is easily triggered by the same factors like viral and bacterial infections, sunburn, too much alcohol, stress and some medications indicated for malaria, some beta blockers and lithium. Persons who have weakened immune system are also susceptible to have it.

Guttate psoriasis also manifests the same symptoms as any type of psoriasis. It exhibits redness and swelling with teardrop patches of irritated skin. These symptoms will most likely occur at the elbows, knees and torso but it may also be found at other areas.

A single outbreak may plague you but it can also appear repeatedly if triggered.

guttate psoriasis

In order to identify if you have psoriasis, the doctor will most probably diagnose it by its appearance. He may also do some diagnostic tests to confirm the findings. These tests will include skin biopsy and throat culture.

After the diagnosis, if the Guttate psoriasis is found to be mild, home medications are often given to manage the skin condition.

Doctors usually give corticosteroids for the swelling and soreness. Some lotions and topical dermatological creams are needed to keep your skin moisturized. You will also be advised to keep it relaxed.

Stress is a major trigger so relaxation is one of the best things you can do for yourself. On the other hand, if the skin condition will show severity, the doctor will most likely give systemic medications. These may include corticosteroids, cyclosporine and methotrexate.

These medications aim to suppress your body’s immune response.

More often than not, after taking your medications religiously, the symptoms of Guttate psoriasis may clear up. Although there are also some cases that the condition will become chronic or it may progress to a worse type of psoriasis especially if you have an existing respiratory infecton.

In this case, you will have to continue avoiding the factors that will trigger or worsen your skin condition like infections, alcohol, cigarettes, stress and trigger foods like red meat and dairy.You may also want to look for signs of complications.

Having Guttate psoriasis means you are susceptible to severe itching, secondary infections and painful episodes because of the skin condition. If these symptoms occur or the psoriasis symptoms continue to show even after taking the medication, it is best to see your physician or dermatologist.

Also, you might want to give topical psoriasis treatment creams a try. I have reviewed one of them here.

psoriasis free for life



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